Hakko FR4003-81 - FR-4003 Ultra Heavy Duty (UHD) Desoldering Gun for the FR-400 - 300W - 7.2" Total Length
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Product Info
American Hakko Products Inc
The Hakko FR4003-81 FR-4003 Ultra Heavy Duty (UHD) Desoldering Gun for the FR-400 is designed for difficult and extremely large mass components. It features a 300W heating element with a top controlled temperature of 940°F. The Hakko FR4003-81 FR-4003 Ultra Heavy Duty (UHD) Desoldering Gun for the FR-400 also features anti-clogging feature that helps ensure instantaneous application of peak vacuum pressure to the solder joint and prevent the premature release of the vacuum system before the solder has cleared.
Benefits & Features of the Hakko FR4003-81 FR-4003 Ultra Heavy Duty (UHD) Desoldering Gun for the FR-400:
- 300W Heating Element with a top Controlled Temperature of 940°F (500°C) The high mass of the heater and nozzles combined with the power and control of the composite ceramic heating cartridge allows for rework of some of the most challenging solder joints at only 750°F (400°C) and without preheating
- Anti-clogging features help ensure instantaneous application of peak vacuum pressure to the solder joint, and prevent the premature release of the vacuum system before the solder has cleared the heater and is captured in the solder collector chamber
- Large Solder Collection Chamber The solder collection chamber is 3X larger in capacity than other Hakko desoldering stations, and it can be cleaned and re-used, reducing environmental waste
FR-4003 Ultra Heavy Duty (UHD) Desoldering Gun for the FR-400 - 300W - 7.2" Total Length
Item Specifications
1.2 m (4 ft.)
Composite Ceramic Cartridge
N60 Series
< 2 mV
< 2 ohms
300W (29 V)
N60-02 (1.0 mm / 0.04 in.)
Desoldering Irons and Handpieces
1.00 lbs per EA