SCS 725 - Dual Conductor Portable Wrist Strap Monitor
Item #:
Product Info
SCS, A Division Desco Industries, Inc
The SCS 725 Dual Conductor Portable Wrist Strap Monitor is a small, compact, battery powered unit that continuously monitors the user and the user's wrist strap. The monitor uses a reliable resistance method that includes the user's skin resistance to determine if the system is working properly. The SCS (3M) 725 Dual Conductor Portable Wrist Strap Monitor immediately alerts the user when the wrist strap is not working properly.
Benefits & Features of the SCS 725 Dual Conductor Portable Wrist Strap Monitor:
- Personal and portable wrist strap monitor
- Wrist strap monitoring and grounding for ESD mats/work surfaces
- Visual and audible alarm
- "Parking plate" for disconnecting ground cord to silence alarm when moving from one work area to another
Portable Wrist Strap Monitor for 1 Dual Monitor Wrist Strap & 1 Ground Connection
Item Specifications
Wrist Strap and Footwear Testers
0.66 lbs per EA