AIM Solder 5202 - SN100C® Lead-Free Bar Solder - 2.5 lb Bar Size - 10 Bars/Box
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Product Info
AIM Products LLC
The AIM Solder 5202 SN100C is a lead-free solder alloy developed by Nihon Superior in Japan comprised of tin, copper, and a small amount of nickel + germanium. SN100C offers user-friendly properties and has been proven in commercial production for over six years. These advantages allow SN100C to offer high-throughput and the lowest cost of ownership as compared to any other lead-free solder alloy.
Benefits & Features of the AIM Solder 5202 SN100C® Lead-Free Bar Solder:
- Does not contain silver or bismuth
- Eutectic alloy
- Bridge-free and icicle-free soldering
- Smooth, bright, well-formed fillets, free of gross micro-cracks, irrespective of the cooling rate
- Good through-hole penetration
- Good topside fillet formation
- Dross rate equal or lower than tin-lead solder
- Does not require a nitrogen atmosphere
- Does not erode copper from holes, pads, and tracks
- Low rate of copper leaching makes it easy to control the copper content of the solder bath
- Lower aggressiveness to stainless steel and other solder pot materials as compared to tin-silver-copper alloys
- Thermal fatigue resistance and creep strength better than tin-lead
- Slow, even growth of the intermetallic layer at the solder/substrate interface
- Performs well in selective and dip soldering
SN100C Bar Solder 2.5 Lb Bar
Item Specifications
2.5 lb.
Bar Solder
25.00 lbs per LB