Puritan 1623-PF - Foam Tipped Swab - Pointed Tip - Glass Filled Polypropylene Handle - 3.26" - 50/Bag
Item #:
Product Info
Puritan Medical Products Inc
The Puritan 1623-PF Foam Tipped Swab is a non-sterile applicator that has a pointed foam tip with a glass filled polypropylene handle. The tip of this applicator is reticulated 100 PPI foam that is lint- and residue-free, soft, and non-abrasive. It's thermally bonded to a rigid glass filled polypropylene shaft and is perfect for industrial and critical environments for tasks like cleaning electronics and equipment, removing contaminates and residues, applying solutions, and general cleaning. The 1623-PF foam tip applicator can be used with IPA and DI water or dry and meets ISO9001:2008 and FDA GMPs standards.
The Foam tip material is a medical-grade polyurethane foam that is produced in a sheet form in a range of porosity.
Foam tipped swab, pointed, poly shaft, 50/Bag 20 Bags/Case
Item Specifications
Foam Tipped Swabs
0.05 lbs per BG