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Weller WXMT-MS - Micro-Desoldering Tweezers w/o Handpiece Tip - 212°F - 850°F - 12 V

Weller WXMT-MS - Micro-Desoldering Tweezers w/o Handpiece Tip - 212°F - 850°F - 12 V
Item #: 0051317999-C010

Product Info


The Weller WXMT-MS Micro-Desoldering Tweezers w/o Handpiece Tip is for use with the Weller WX Series stations. These tweezers have to be operated with only MS Series supplies and accepts RTW MS Series tips. The WXMT-MS tweezers feature active tip heating technology that provides many features to the tweezers such as short heating time, best reaction time, engery efficient, and easy quick tip exchange without the use of any tools. The MS tip family was designed for users that are working in accordance to MIL-STD-2000 specifications.


Micro Desoldering Tweezers w/o Handpiece Tip- 212€F - 850€F -

Item Specifications

  • Weller
  • Hot Tweezers
  • 1.00 lbs per EA
List Price: $309.00
Typically in Stock and Ships Direct*

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